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Feb 5, 2020, 6 tweets

Nirbhay cruise missile will be tested this year with the Manik Small Turbo Fan Engine (STFE). The engine is ready after bench testing. Other versions are in the works. Detailed piece later. #defexpo2020

Guess who showed up at the #defexpo2020 Prahar Weapon System

LCA MWF cockpit. Featuring a Large area display, backup display, reduced switch count and a side stick

Gtre designed Turbocharger for the 1500hp engine being developed by CVRDE. The turbocharger uses Ti64 and Inconel for the compressor and impeller respectively. They are joined to the shaft via today 4 friction welding process.

More on the turbocharger.

IAC-1 P-71 Indian aircraft carrier in the final stages of being built by Cochin Shipyard Limited

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