The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do. (Thanks everyone!). 2024: Decided I’d leave once the Tories had eaten themselves. Done and Busted. Now off to faff about on Instagrim.

Feb 6, 2020, 5 tweets

I love Cumbria but Northumberland always turns my head.
Yesterday was special.

1. Met 50 headteachers and got to talk about #thelostwords among other things.
2. Realised almost 180 copies of #thelostwords book now thrive in Cumbrian schools, libraries, a hospital, a farm &...

3. Visited #thelostwords garden created by Kate @cumbriawildlife next to @Susans_Farm in Carlisle
4. Crossed the border to @TheSillNland for #thelostwords exhibition, hear Northumbrian folk songs & spells read aloud (as they should be)
5. Told Taffy Thomas MBE a tale of aspens.

6. Loved the magpie manifesto reading by a volunteer from @HeadwayUK

7. Bookshop music @TheSillNland was superb!

8. And the exhibition of @JackieMorrisArt and @RobGMacfarlane and @lwspellsongs ?
Well, you’ll just have to go and see for yourself...

9. PS @Markradcliffe played @BethanyPorter1 on t’drive home - “charm on, goldfinch” & @KrisDrever

10. Just realised @themarkrad is the ‘charmer’ I meant.

(And...forgot to add, a Hare leapt through fog on that drive home & raced me over Grayrigg...which was the whole thing/almost the only thing I meant to say about #thelostwords last night).

Meeting Robin & gang on Monday.

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