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Democratic Pollster & Strategist • Senior Vice President @ Whitman Insight Strategies • @VictoryFund Board

Feb 8, 2020, 13 tweets

This year the Supreme Court is going to decide cases that will impact everything from the future of LGBTQ rights to gun violence prevention laws.

Excited to hear candidates discuss plans at the first ever #OurRightsOurCourts forum today. Courts matter. Tune in!

The #OurRightsOurCourts forum is getting started now. Follow along for updates, and watch live at link below.

Pete Buttigieg: “Most Americans, even in conservative states, fundamentally believe that democracy is about ensuring every person has a right to vote.”


Andrew Yang: “Abortion rights are economic rights.”


Tom Steyer is sporting a BOLD tie and belt combination today in New Hampshire, and it’s kinda working?


Great point from @TomSteyer: “Why does everyone ask Democrats how they’re going to meet in the middle? When is the last time someone asked Mitch McConnell how he’s going to meet in the middle?”


Bernie Sanders: “Republicans have been very successful at politicizing the judiciary. We will be different. I will be the organizer in chief. A significant majority of the American people are with us.”


Sanders draws a clear line on abortion at the #OurRightsOurCourts forum: at this point in our politics, being a Democrat means supporting abortion rights. It must be a tenant, a core value for Democrats.

Pretty weird: @SRuhle asked Sanders directly about how he’ll secure LGBTQ protections in the workplace. He doesn’t answer the question at all, instead speaks in broad strokes about fighting discrimination.


Michael Bennet with a strong refrain: “Donald Trump is the first President in American history to take health care away from millions of people.” An important point that Democrats must communicate to every swing voter.


Amy Klobuchar: “Reform of our courts begins with democracy reform. Every single teenager in this country should be automatically registered to vote.”


“Democrats have to make our courts an electoral issue. We need to be willing to fight back.” Appreciate the candor and honesty from @ewarren, we need to fight harder to ensure a fair judicial branch.


Powerful embrace of women’s reproductive rights by @ewarren, arguing that we’ve got to think beyond the courts. 3 out of 4 Americans support Roe. “In a democracy, when that many people want a law, it’s time to make it a law.”


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