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Feb 9, 2020, 12 tweets

Today’s #Yiakl #SundaySpotlight goes out to Elsa Chyrum @ElsaChyrum in acknowledgment of her passionate and relentless work to defending the rights of #Eritrea|ns all over the world.



@ElsaChyrum Elsa’s human rights activist work started in London, UK after setting up an org called Network of #Eritrea|n Professionals in Europe (NEPE) in 1998, to highlight the horrific situation of Eritreans.
#Yiakl #SundaySpotlight #Eritrea2020

@ElsaChyrum Elsa visited #Eritrea in 2001, where she witnessed extensive human rights abuses 1st hand & vowed to speak for the voiceless Eritreans. She has since been actively campaigning for the rule of law, justice, and respect for the rights of #Eritrea|ns.


@ElsaChyrum Elsa has been able to build strong connections with groups such as @amnesty, UNHCR, Reporters Without Border, @hrw, CSW, Eritrean Civic Societies e.t.c to advocate for #Eritreans.

#Yiakl #SundaySpotlight #Eritrea2020

@ElsaChyrum Elsa also regularly travels all over the world to directly meet parliamentarians and policymakers to raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Eritrea.

#WeAreComingHome #Yiakl #Eritrea2020 #SundaySpotlight


@ElsaChyrum Elsa also expanded effort and influence by helping found many organizations including the Human Rights Concern Eritrea (HRCE) and East & Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project #EHAHRDP

#Yiakl #SundaySpotlight #Eritrea2020


One of @ElsaChyrum Elsa's remarkable accomplishments is her herculean efforts on behalf of 19 Eritrean POW and >250 Eritrean refugees detained in Djibouti in inhumane conditions.


After her initial plea went unanswered, she went on a hunger strike in March 2014 to pressure Djiboutian authorities and international bodies to resolve the horrific situation of Eritreans detained in Djibouti.

Her sacrifices eventually paid off and the Eritreans in Djibouti were released from jail and allowed to be registered as refugees. But, @ElsaChyrum Elsa's fight didn't end there - she continued to advocate on their behalf till they were successfully resettled in Canada, EU, USA.

Another e.g. of Elsa's commitment to protecting Eritreans everywhere; in 2002-03 she worked with human rights orgs to assist Eritrean asylum seekers who were detained in Maltese prisons & about to be deported to Eritrea.

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These examples are only a fraction of Elsa's deeds on behalf of #Eritrea|ns. She continues to show an exceptional level of commitment that produces results. On behalf of the #Eritrean justice camp, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Elsa.

#Yiakl #Eritrea

Please join us in congratulating and thanking Elsa for her compassionate, bold and relentless advocacy for Eritreans in need. She is a true ambassador of her people and a role model citizen and daughter of #Eritrea.

Thank you, Elsa!🙌🙌

#SundaySpotlight #Yiakl


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