James McAsh Profile picture
Southwark Labour Cllr and Cabinet Member for Clean Air, Streets and Waste Primary school teacher & Lambeth NEU. Personal capacity. Socialist. 🪿🟩

Feb 13, 2020, 7 tweets

Almost all CLPs have nominated in the #LabourLeadership contest.
Some striking patterns have emerged.
I explore them on @LabourList 👇

Starmer and Rayner are very clearly in the lead. In fact, more CLPs have nominated both than nominated any other candidate in either race.


Long-Bailey does well amongst CLPs which nominated Corbyn or Burnham in 2025 but not with those which nominated Cooper or Kendall.

Lisa Nandy is the opposite.

Starmer is equally strong across them all.

#LabourLeadership labourlist.org/2020/02/what-t…

A clear pattern from 2016 nominations. Corbyn's CLPs split between Starmer and Long-Bailey whereas Owen Smith's go almost entirely to Starmer.

#LabourLeadership labourlist.org/2020/02/what-t…

Almost no CLPs have followed Rayner and Long-Bailey's joint ticket. Their mutual endorsements may have helped Rayner a little but they've certainly not helped Long-Bailey.

#LabourLeadership labourlist.org/2020/02/what-t…

The strongest correlations between Leader and Deputy candidates are:

- Murray -> Starmer
- Burgon -> Long-Bailey
- Allin-Khan -> Starmer
- Rayner -> Starmer
- Starmer -> Rayner

The official Rayner/Long-Bailey slate not even in top 5

#LabourLeadership labourlist.org/2020/02/what-t…

In 2016 tensions broke out when the bulk of MPs nominated Smith whilst almost all CLPs nominated Corbyn.

This time, most MPs have nominated the same candidate as their local party.

#LabourLeadership labourlist.org/2020/02/what-t…

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