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CBS News Homeland Security Correspondent || @UniofOxford @notredame || Signal: NicoleSganga.01 || tips, haikus, recipes:

Feb 17, 2020, 7 tweets

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC — Dr. Jill Biden pitches South Carolina voters.

“Joe and I have always been drawn to this state. We’ve been coming for years and years,” Dr. Biden says at a campaign stop.

“I‘m just so excited to be here with people that we know and we love.”


Today: South Carolina voter Tomi Greene thanks Dr. Jill Biden.

Greene tells crowds the Bidens listened after her stage 4 cancer diagnosis and the recent death of her mother.

"I just want to say thank God for you all."

WATCH: After Jill Biden says Joe Biden plans to triple Title I funding by raising taxes on the rich, a voter stands up.

"We have to be real. The rich don't like to pay taxes... Are they really going to pay taxes? We've been talking about this for years though. Years and years."

NORTH CHARLESTON, SC -- Dr. Jill Biden told reporters today the Biden campaign is on mile two of a marathon.

"I mean, I'm a marathon runner. I know what it takes to go the distance -- 26.2 miles. This is mile two."


@CBSNews Asked if Joe Biden's South Carolina "firewall" is still strong after Iowa and New Hampshire, Dr. Jill Biden exclaims, "Oh god, yes! Yes, of course. Yes!"

@CBSNews MOUNT PLEASANT, SC -- In a pitch remniscient of Fmr. Mayor Pete Buttigieg's stump speech, Jill Biden tells voters to picture 2021.

"You're sipping your morning coffee... You pick up the morning paper, you open it up, and the headline isn't about some late night tweet storm."

SPOTTED at Dr. Jill Biden’s House Party.

Simba the dog is wearing a bow tie. Not a joke, folks.

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