Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Feb 21, 2020, 6 tweets

Teargas used against demonstrators in #Khartoum yesterday protesting against forced retirement of officers supporting #SudanUprising revolution last year. Footage shows what ensued. It was filmed exactly here:… on El Gamhuriya Ave. H/T to @Lolzoldo for 📹

They're on the streets for brave people like this officer, who last year, asked his comrades-in-arms to join the cause & support the Sudanese people.

He said they were here for the regime 'to fall, and that's all'. ✊

Footage filmed here:… further east on the corner of El Gamhuriya Ave and El Qasr Ave shows the intensity of the tear gas. Also innovative shielding for cameraman with the road block. H/T @a7mdlsmail1 for 📹

Footage shows what the corner of El Gamhuriya Ave & El Qasr Ave looked like prior to dispersal from this Facebook livestream captured by @RamiTahir. It was filmed from here:…

Alternative angle, taken moments later, shows the moment the crowd was dispersed with tear gas and chased south down El Qasr Ave (ش القصر) (main crowd was here:…). H/T @SudanPlusNews for 📹

@SudanPlusNews Looks like the UAE-made Panthera T6/N6. It was located exactly here:…. We've seen these come out in protests before ().

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