#ProWrestlingsBFF Nick Maniwa Profile picture
#PapaManiwa - Jr & #TeganRose. @Jessbeesknees husband. indie wrestling commentator. 👻: nickmaniwa. Poly. Pan. $nickmaniwa

Feb 29, 2020, 14 tweets

Time for a thread. I know there’s quite a few shows happening in the Midwest tomorrow but this is the one I’ll be at. EWE’s Brass Monkey 2020 in Jeffersonville.

J Prodigy is a name a lot of indie wrestling fans won’t know. He had a very short career. Started wrestling professionally (after a stint as a backyard wrestler Back Doors Lock - BDL) in Dec 98 & his last result is for Jan 01. Mainly wrestled for IWAMS &

J.C. Bailey’s dad Joe Bailey’s promotion Bad 2 the Bone Wrestling. A junior heavyweight inspired by guys like Tarek the Great, American Kickboxer, Super J Cup 94 & a guy he got to share the ring with, Reckless Youth. He won the IWA light heavyweight title on 2 occasions.

His best friend is one of my closest friends, my color commentator Big B - Brian Vinson @victmizah. Jeremy unfortunately passed away on 2/29/04 at the age of 29. His full potential never to be seen in a wrestling ring by the masses.

As a 10-11 year old, I was a big fan of BDL/J Prodigy’s. Even wrestling my Hulk Hogan wrestling buddy wearing all red like he did. That Reckless/Prodigy/Kid Match from Oolitic was one of my favorites as a young “omgz workrate” fan.

Tomorrow night, we remember the life of J Prodigy with an 8 man tournament; with help from @ewewrestling_ with a little bit of everything for everyone.

RSVP - facebook.com/events/s/ewe-b…

The bad news, Lincoln Moseley has the flu. He will not be appearing. His replacement will be announcement in the morning to take on @DalePatricks. I’ve known Dale since before he was Dale Patricks. No butt stuff tomorrow, Dale. The show is in a church gym LOL

People like to throw around the word HOSS but talk about a mother fucking HOSS BATTLE. @Dillinger_exe vs @theirondemon. Can’t wait to see these two behemoths butt heads.

RSVP - facebook.com/events/s/ewe-b…

Talk about a guy that has no off switch, no first gear, @AcePerryIndy is that dude. Idk how he’s not everywhere vs @FreddieHudson15. I like Freddie a lot. I think he’s extremely underrated. I’m excited to see what these two do in that ring.


The last 1st rd match features two of my favorite people. @LukasGJacobs v @TheReedBentley. Both of these guys are pumped for this match & that pumps me up. If you know Da Seed, you know he’s got some tricks up his cut off sleeves.


2nd round will break down as

Winner of Drew/Mercer vs Winner of Dale/?

Winner of Ace/Freddie vs Winner of Sauce/Seed


Non tournament action features a big 6 man tag feature EWE regulars - Kappa Tappa Kegga vs Trash Stache & Waffle. Always a pleasure to see @BigD_PLK.


I hope whenever I do the big jay oh bee, there’s a friend like Big B to help keep my memory in this crazy world of wrestling alive. If you live in Kentuckiana and you’re not headed up north, come hang out. Cheap concessions, a good time to be had by all.


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