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Mar 3, 2020, 5 tweets

We're delighted that our co-production of Death of a Salesman has been nominated for five @OlivierAwards
including Best Revival. Congratulations to everyone involved and to all the nominees! πŸ‘ #OlivierAwards

@OlivierAwards @SalesmanWestEnd @_elliottharper @cindytolan1 Congratulations to @WendellPierce on his Best Actor nomination πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ #OlivierAwards #DeathOfASalesman

Congratulations to Sharon D. Clarke on her Best Actress nomination for her performance as Linda Loman in #DeathOfASalesman πŸ‘πŸ‘ #OlivierAwards

Congratulations to ArinzΓ© Kene who has received a nomination for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his performance as Biff Loman in #DeathOfASalesman at the Young Vic πŸ‘

And finally congratulations to co-directors Marianne Elliott & Miranda Cromwell on their Best Director nomination! πŸ‘ #DeathOfASalesman #OlivierAwards

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