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Kenya Association of Manufacturers is the representative organization for manufacturing value-add industries in Kenya

Mar 5, 2020, 5 tweets

KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis on @citizentvkenya #DayBreak talking about #WomenInManufacturing #WIMKe #WIMA2020

We need to be deliberate about gender equality and promoting the growth of women in manufacturing - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis #WomenInManufacturing #WIMKe #WIMA2020 #DayBreak

We want the Government to support women in business. The issue of access to finance needs to be dealt with - both by Commercial Banks and Government - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis #WomenInManufacturing #WIMKe #WIMA2020 #DayBreak

KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis - At the KAM #WIMKe Program, we work with women at different levels. We seek to provide networking opportunities, business growth and market linkages for #WomeninManufacturing #WIMKe #WIMA2020 #DayBreak

We want women to grow and take up leadership positions so that they can shape debates at the board level, to ensure policies developed focus on inclusivity - KAM CEO @wakiaga_phyllis #WomenInManufacturing #WIMKe #WIMA2020 #DayBreak

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