Anyona Obutu Profile picture
Blockchain, NFTs, Web3, Crypto, UX UI, Innovations

Mar 5, 2020, 21 tweets

I don't know how open minded you all are, but when they lied #HudumaNamba meant Huduma Bora, I imagined they were gonna give us a platform with All Services, Compliant, Efficient & Transparent. Here is a concept of what my lazy ass thought HudumaNamba would be #Ikokazi Citizen TV

I imagined a platform (ussd, app, PWA) that would protect Kenyans from conmen & cartels. Car dealers, greenhouse farming, real estate, saccos are awash with conmen preying on Kenyans. A Public Contracts Management system would spell doom for the conmen. Goldenscape #ikokazi

e.g Goldenscape, with Public contracts, investors sign their contracts on the Huduma app, all documents are available on their profile. Investors can file complaints from the platform & attach documents. No need walking around with those brown envelopes & long lines at DCI

Only a conman with really big jewels would have the courage to defraud Kenyans, and even if they do, they get listed on the Huduma Most Wanted list, using AI & machine learning, the app will continually warn Kenyans not to do business with those scammers #ikokazikenya

With this concept, Insurance fraudsters would see long days & little coins. Instead of waiting for disaster to happen then finding out the broker never submitted premiums to the insurance co., users can check the IRA section on huduma app to verify the status of their policy

The hustle of long queues at NHIF offices will come to an end with huduma app. Easily check the approved hospitals, doctors, pharmacies etc. Request for blood donations, get notified when a recipient receives your blood #IkoKazi Citizen TV. Goldenscape

With this huduma platform, small small embarrassments like missing records will be a thing of the past. All government loans can be applied and paid from the same interface, with reminders and all. Thieves who orchestrate *missing records* must be shaking! #IkoKaziKE Citizen TV

Mwalimu @wmnjoya would be delighted with this feature. A public education initiative, where we post free quality MOOC courses, critical thinking stuff, our Kenyan laws etc. An educated public means a progressive country. #ikokazikenya #IkoKaziKE

The problem with this government is working in Silos and expecting to take Kenya forward. We saw Police working on some system, Judiciary as well. Huduma platform is one system, with ALL services, all integrated from the ground app. Example reporting a crime should be easy

To report a crime, missing person, stolen car or property or file a digital OB, you login to the app, fill in and submit then track progress of the case, you get notifications when you're required at the court #ikokazi #IkoKaziKE

It is unfortunate that Kenyans literally take it upon themselves to find their missing loved ones. With Huduma app used by all Kenyans, finding a lost item or missing person would take a fraction of the time. You can even see a trend of hotspot areas and beef up security there

A preview of Huduma Namba concept #ikokazike #ThursdayMotivation #PDF2020

Huduma app would certainly save us from the horrendous & updated once in a lifetime government Joomla based websites. All government and county jobs will be posted there, all those documents they want are already under your profile. Job application should never be a hustle

Public transport should be easily accessible and easy to book. Those tour operators who hoard SGR seats will cry premium tears. Simple, efficient, transparent #PDF2020 #IkoKaziKE #IkoKazi

The BRT buses haven't got here yet but hey, they have painted the roads red, we might as well have a section for checking how far the buses are, fixed fare , all stops it's gonna make and report bad behaviour on the roads #IkoKaziKE

Lastly, no Kenyan should ever print any government issued document. If they are in the Government database, you can access them from your huduma profile. #IkoKaziKE #IkoKazi

Tools used for this concept

Free @AdobeXD , bit of illustrator and of course YouTube for free Adobe tutorials on design

Are you not entertained? Imagine I did all these just to ask for a job! I'm available for freelance work in web design, UX / UI, product research, video editing etc. #IkoKaziKE Rt, my client could be on your TL

Assumptions when I was doing this concept
- Incorruptible president, cabinet, heads of parastatals

- The year is 2030, none of the current leaders in government has power

- We have crushed all the cartels

- Rural areas are connected to the internet via TVWS

The concept's home is here, those who have been asking how they can get the UI Kit, it's available for download now. All the raw files, in @AdobeXD format. Promote a hustler now. Citizen TV Igathe Kinotu Deputy President #IkoKazi

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