The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do. (Thanks everyone!). 2024: Decided I’d leave once the Tories had eaten themselves. Done and Busted. Now off to faff about on Instagrim.

Mar 13, 2020, 5 tweets

Today, a Raven came for tea. I wasn’t expecting that.

I’d promised myself three Wainwrights today. (Got four seasons).

Since last June’s walk, I’ve felt able to do more with my time.

And I’ve realised what doing more, can give you in return.

@JackieMorrisArt @RobGMacfarlane

It was sunny at home when I set off for the ghost village of Mardale. I needed to be out. Took the book.

Each of #thelostwords starts with its absence.

I chose this one, as I’d just heard, then saw two ravens soar.
And a posh aperitif. Plenty of ice...
Crisps in a dish.

The ravens had flown east, away and down.
I climbed to the next summit for my dinner. Which is when the raven came to see what on Earth I was playing at.
Landed a few feet away, like a town centre pigeon.
Look & you’ll see.

Phone pic. No zoom.

By the third summit, we were ready for pudding.
Luckily I’d brought two.
I had the trifle.
Raven looked pleased to be home.

Clouds gatecrashed our party. Time to head down.

The orange badge in some pics is fundraising set up for Cumbria Downs Syndrome support by kind volunteers @keswickbootco
who’ve given me & others a reason to get out there.

My picnic was just part of a training walk.
Next month, I’ll be helping a new #thelostwords journey.

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