Celeste Labedz Profile picture
Environmental Seismologist - Postdoc UCalgary - PhD Caltech - she/her Currently inactive due to Twitter's decay. Catch me on other platforms!

Mar 14, 2020, 8 tweets

To celebrate #PiDay, my housemate and I created thoroughly scientific ratings of different pie emojis on Emojipedia. 🥧 Here we go:

Apple: This Apple pie had better be an apple pie, and everyone likes apple pie. Seems basic, but a solid foundation. The subtle steam is a nice touch. 8/10.

Google: Pumpkin is a rather divisive choice, and #PiDay isn't even during pumpkin spice season. The crust looks a little cardboard-y, but the whipped cream looks delicious. 6/10.

Microsoft: A hot mess. The steam looks like spaghetti and the holes look the tears of the people who have to eat this. Fitting that it's shrouded in a halo of darkness. 1/10.

WhatsApp: Delicious. Jam-packed with plump cherries, and with an intricate lattice top. Made us realize that all of the other ones don't have plates. 10/10.

Samsung: Very similar to Apple's. A basic and acceptable pie, but weirdly tall and lacking the touch of steam that Apple's had. Ambiguous flavor. 6/10.

Twitter: Looks like someone described a pie to the creators of Hot Pockets, which makes me concerned that it's pepperoni instead of cherry. The top is vaguely reminiscent of lasagna noodles, or maybe a wicker chair. 2/10.

Facebook: A thoroughly okay pie, but Facebook owns WhatsApp, so why aren't they using WhatsApp's clearly superior pie? At least the edging on the crust is nice. 5/10.

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