Xyla Foxlin⚡ Profile picture
Makes things on YouTube 👩🏻‍🔧Mechatronics Engineer 🤖 Woodworker 🌳 Pilot ✈️ Rocketeer 🚀 Aspiring Disney Princess👸🏻 @AAAS IF/THEN Ambassador 👩🏻‍🔬

Mar 15, 2020, 6 tweets

Ok full honestly time: my partner and I are relocating to LA this spring/early summer.

I'm looking for a job and/or a place for Beauty and the Bolt to land.

Anyone hiring a creative generalist mechatronics engineer? I'm really good at building and prototyping! 👩🏻‍🔧

My resume in a snapshot:
Currently executive director of Beauty and the Bolt, a non-profit lowering the barrier to entry for girls and minorities in engineering, making, and the trades.

I make videos about building things, and also run our #PrincessesWithPowertools program

I did Creative Technology R&D for this project at Disney Imagineering-- we flew life size xwings over the park in collab with Boeing

I have some Hololens dev experience but I don't love it tbh. I like building things far more than programming. But I did work at the Interactive Commons in college (Microsoft's AR academic partner)

I'm a 2x startup founder who's raised VC and had a 178% funded project on Kickstarter. Parihug was my invention that let you hug loved ones from anywhere in the world

My first internship (and one of the most impactful work experiences I've ever had) in college was at iRobot designing / testing this autoevacuating dock. No more cleaning out those Roomba dust bins!

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