Jim Harris, Parkinformationsanbieter Profile picture
streng, aber gerecht

Mar 18, 2020, 43 tweets

#ReasonstobeCheerful no.1
We may not have to endure The Hundred this summer.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.2
These leaves

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.3
Washing on the line.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.4
The park

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.5

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.6
No one is panic-buying broccoli

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.7

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.9
Found a new battery for the electric scales in the kitchen crap drawer.
The days of approximate bread are over, @Miridoesntweet

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.10

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.13
Leather pouch made out of old, broken bike saddle bag.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.14
Boiled egg and soldiers

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.15

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.16
Shutting up shop for the weekend.
The stag is by the great and lovely benlong.co.uk

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.17
Of course.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.18

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.19

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.20

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.21
Warm evening, outdoor lights and next-door-but-one’s palm tree, for which thank you, Aaron and Gillian.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.22
(Although, honestly, I’m not sure quite how cheerful this makes me; but I’m glad enough still to be able to do it.)

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.23
This. This’ll do.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.24
Plane tree bark

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.25
Music and Silence.
The book, certainly, but also just music and silence.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.26
The wind in this tree.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.27
Three old blokes playing frisbee in the park.
Wonderfully skilful.
50 yards apart.
All wearing gloves.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.28
Keith Haring on the bedroom wall

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.29
Mechanical pencil.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.30

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.31

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.32
This tree sprouted from a conker in north Essex in 2002 and was planted in Peckham Rye Park in 2012. In 2018 it was snapped off by vandals but now it is thriving again out of its broken stump.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.33
Phosphorescent rocks at @morethanadodo

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.34
Seeing my FaF boys (Silas was there too)

Of all my #ReasonsToBeCheerful so far, three have slipped through entirely unremarked.
One was the bark on a plane tree, so fair enough.
But the other two were telly and wine which makes me suspect that not everyone is being wholly honest about what makes them happy in lockdown.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.35

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.36
‘People on a Bench’ by William Roberts, pencil on paper, c.1937; @AshmoleanMuseum
It was given to the Museum by a group of his fellow artists including Muirhead Bone and Albert Rutherston.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.37
Sheep’s-bit scabious; out soon on the cliffs at the Logan Rock, Treen, Cornwall.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.38
This window at the top of the house.

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.39
a) South
b) North

#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.40
Waking to find the first clematis flowers are out.

Insufficient reasons to be cheerful lately but I went for a walk today and here are
#ReasonsToBeCheerful no.42
Sky and trees. I’ve done them before but no apologies because they are wonderful.

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