Shout out to @econroy_1 who kicked off this webinar with a breathing exercise -- self-care is so important right now. @saragoldrickrab @hope4college #CovidCampus
"A lot of these students won't be here in the fall if we don't take care of them now." @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Know your students: they may be thinking more about food, housing, or childcare than they are about their education right now. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Center your students: be prepared with answers before questions come in. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
We need to recognize what students are concerned about most right now -- so many are unable to see how they are going to be able to pay their rent next week or next month or next year. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Communicate care, humanity, and urgency. Start every message by reassuring students that you care about them -- in fact, open AND close your emails that way. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Many students are worried about their access to food. They are afraid that campus food pantries are going to close. They don't know about the status of their dining halls. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Start your messaging about dining hall closures by talking about the alternatives for getting food -- not the closures. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Some students may become newly eligible for SNAP food assistance. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Some students have nowhere else to go. They need someone to strategize with on alternative housing arrangements + information on how to reduce utility bill payments. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Emergency funds -- delivered fast and easily -- are critical. Don't make students perform their poverty. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Work study students may continue to be paid for the hours they were scheduled to work. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Give students a chance to share their trauma. Normalize anxiety. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Care for faculty and staff: recognize stress, offer resources + opportunities for collaboration, and convert to pass/fail for courses. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
Advocate for your students. Share their stories. @saragoldrickrab #RealCollege #CovidCampus
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