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Mar 20, 2020, 5 tweets

If you have been following our updates on the new Armed Forces COVID Support Force, you might be wondering what ‘MACA’ is.

Read the 5 things you need to know about MACA 👇

#COVIDSupportForce #InThisTogether

Military personnel from the @RoyalNavy , @BritishArmy and @RoyalAirForce are ready to support the UK’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak when requested.
#COVIDSupportForce #InThisTogether

As part of the new COVID Support Force around 10,000 of our military personnel will be placed at a higher readiness. This is in addition to the 10,000 personnel we already have on high readiness. #CovidSupportForce #InThisTogether

150 military personnel will begin specialist training on Monday to help support the NHS by driving oxygen tankers, if required. #CovidSupportForce #InThisTogether

Find out more about Military Aid to Civil Authorities (MACA) here:

#COVIDSupportForce #InThisTogether

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