UK Prime Minister Profile picture
Official page for Prime Minister @RishiSunak's office, based at 10 Downing Street.

Mar 20, 2020, 7 tweets

The government is going to step in and help pay people’s wages.

Our grants will cover 80% of the salary of retained workers, up to a total of £2,500 a month, that’s above UK median earnings level. [THREAD 1/7] 👇

[2/7] The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme will now be interest free.

[3/7] VAT payments due between now and the end of June will be deferred.

[4/7] Income tax payments due in July 2020 under the Self Assessment system will be deferred to January 2021.

[5/7] The Universal Credit standard allowance and Working Tax Credit basic element will be increased for the next 12 months by £1,000 a year.

[6/7] Nearly £1 billion of additional support for renters, through increases in the generosity of housing benefit and Universal Credit.

[7/7] We said we would stand together with the British people and we meant it.

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