Neven Mrgan Profile picture • Working on @Playdate, Pulp • Maker of games Blackbar, Grayout • Designer @panic • • One of the good ones • He/him

Mar 21, 2020, 12 tweets

I've been doing pizza parties with friends (we call them Pizza Speakeasy) for a while; today was supposed to be our biggest one yet—obviously, it's canceled. But while we can't make 30+ pizzas for 50+ people, we CAN all make pizza at home and share it with the tag #pizzaspeakeasy

I believe I will be joined today by our host @ngaloppo and co-pizzaioli @ThisIsPizza and @pwillen1. Anyone else? I hear @Grafera is in. If you can cook pizza this evening (we're shooting for 5 PM PST, doesn't really matter) show us what you make!

We're not prescriptivist about pizza, except that we encourage you to 1. nail the basics over time, 2. learn from friends, 3. keep an open mind about what pizza is, and experiment with flavors

Here's my plan for the evening, btw. (Only four pies, Neven? That's social-distance pizza for you…)

Hello again! Here’s the first pie of the evening. I always open with a simple cheese one for the kids. I intermingled the cheese and sauce layers (cheese, sauce, cheese, sauce, post-bake cheese.) #pizzaspeakeasy

Next up, a pizza in the style of khachapuri, Georgian cheese-bread with egg and butter. I used the proper cheese, sulguni—squeaky and close to provolone. Georgian cuisine is fabulous! /@KargiGogoUS #pizzaspeakeasy

Watch that @OoniHQ oven go… 60 seconds and this next pie is gorgeous. I love this thing!

I've made this a few times, and it's always spectacular: bolognese pizza. There's something special about the "toppings" and the "sauce" being together already. I did a bit of mozzarella under, and Romano elsewhere—I like it and parsley with bolognese a lot. #pizzaspeakeasy

Who wants to guess what this one is? #pizzaspeakeasy

It's a "Nothing Burger" pizza—mustard + ketchup, homemade smooth cheese sauce (sharp Tillamook cheddar + sodium citrate), pickles, sesame seeds, lettuce. Tastes EXACTLY like a Big Mac. #pizzaspeakeasy

All the pies were on my sourdough—starter of rye and white flour, dough made with high-gluten flour and 12% whole wheat. Aged for seven days in the fridge. Rich grain flavor, perfectly smooth and stretchy. Thanks to @voodoolily for the original starter and @pwillen1 for advice.

And as always, thanks to @antichrista for putting up with my pizza antics. Love you!

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