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Data nerd 👨🏻‍💻• econometrist • graphs in R

Mar 24, 2020, 8 tweets

Update 24-03 (thread)

Spread of the #coronavirus in the Netherlands.

In total 5560 persons have tested positive. Left map shows nominal cases, right map shows cases per 10,000 inhabitants.

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #COVID19NL

In total 227 municipalities report at least one new confirmed case of the #coronavirus compared to yesterday.

Biggest increase in Amsterdam (+47), Maastricht (+34) and Sittard-Geleen (+23).

#coronavirusNL #covid19NL

Most nominal cases: Amsterdam, Tilburg, Breda, Rotterdam, Utrecht and Meierijstad.

Most cases per 10,000 inhabitants: Boekel, Uden, Bernheze, Gemert-Bakel, Peel en Maas and Meierijstad.

Individual municipalities available on request!

#coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

Spread of nominal confirmed cases of the #coronavirus in the Netherlands over the last 22 days:

#coronakaart #coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

Nominal spread of the confirmed cases of the #coronavirus per Dutch province:

#coronavirusNL #coronakaart #covid19NL

Confirmed cases of the #coronavirus per Dutch province per 100,000 inhabitants.

Left graph shows the development over time whereas the right graph shows the development starting from the day the first case in that province was reported.

#coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

Unfortunately, 63 patients have died yesterday. Their ages range from 55 to 97.

This graph shows the fatalities due to the #coronavirus in the last two weeks:

#coronavirusNL #coronavirusNederland

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