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Mar 25, 2020, 7 tweets

🥳To celebrate accession negotiations with #Albania 🇦🇱 and #NorthMacedonia🇲🇰 we're counting down our TOP 5 favourite publications about #enlargement and the #WestBalkans


1️⃣ Check out this factsheet from the @iiea breaking down the current state of #enlargement with a special emphasis on the #WestBalkans…

#FutureOfEurope #Albania #NorthMacedonia

2️⃣ Read more about the challenges facing enlargement in the #WestBalkans from @CIFE_EUstudies…

#FutureOfEurope #enlargement #Albania #NorthMacedonia

3️⃣ For more on the path to accession, here's a piece from @Poli_Eleonora at @IAIonline…

#FutureOfEurope #enlargement #Albania #NorthMacedonia

4️⃣ If you're interested in #DifferentiatedIntegration with reference to the region, here's a report from @irmo_hr…

#FutureOfEurope #enlargement #Albania #NorthMacedonia

5️⃣ Finally, check out the TEPSA Member Institute from North Macedonia 🇲🇰…

#FutureOfEurope #enlargement #NorthMacedonia

As an extra here's our recent TEPSA Explainer on #enlargement 🔥…


#FutureOfEurope #Albania #NorthMacedonia

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