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RB Dow Public transport advocate Ex soldier RAAMC PTE CPL SGT SSGT LT CAPT (Ret'd) Retired Medical Scientist FAIMS

Mar 29, 2020, 12 tweets

Something a bit different today for rail enthusiasts.
Springfield line was constructed in stages. 1. Richlands opened Jan 2011. 2. Springfield Central Dec 2013.
** Ballast train 2nd September 2010 - first train to reach Richlands Station**
Darra, junction.

Coming into Darra. Please paint me! 😉

The track between Corinda and Darra had been amplified from a double to a quad. Exciting times ..

Chasing at Boundary Road.

Ditto ..

Richlands ..
Here comes the ballast !


Note only down track at this time. Sleeper stacks over on the up side.

The road next to Richlands is regularly congested these days ... ease the pain go by train! 😉

Ballast train (down) heading towards Corinda passing through Darra. The ballast train is passed by an UP coal (empty). At Corinda locos push train back to Darra on down sub line & then onto Richlands branch. First train to enter Richlands station proper.


On the journey from Corinda to Richlands. Ballast train pushed through Oxley.
Train is on the down sub line (platform one Oxley).
Apologies for the quality, it was a while ago ..
Quite an unusual train movement to say the least.
Hope you enjoyed !


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