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Mar 30, 2020, 13 tweets

One of the best ways of coming up with your business websites is using do it yourself builders. Examples are :
Google Sites
#GrowwithGoogle @eMobilis

Let's talk about WordPress.
A widely used do it yourself builder.
If you are a novice in web development, you might want to start here.
#Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

A huge misconception about WordPress is that it is only used for blogging. Blogging is just one of the many features of WordPress. You can build a variety of systems.
#Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

WordPress is a free & open source content management system written in PHP and paired with a MYSQL or MariaDB. It helps you come up with a variety sites such as LMS, eCommerce, Hotel Management System, etc. You customize your website using plugins #Googledigitalskills @eMobilis

A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They extend functionality of your website. Plugins are written in PHP and hence integrate seamlessly with WordPress. #GrowWithGoogle #Googledigitalskills @eMobilis

When you install WordPress (WP) in your Cpanel, first thing is to pick a theme. A theme is a collection of templates and stylesheets (CSS) used to define the appearance and display of a website. #Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

There are a variety of themes that a person can use. Depending on what you are working on and your budget, you can pick a suitable theme for your site. If you have a good budget, you can purchase a theme from themeforest. #Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

Let's say you are on a constrained budget. Worry not there are free themes for you. The two most downloaded themes are :
1. Astra Theme
2. Ocean WP
These themes are quite user friendly and easy to customize.
#Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

Let's get to page builders. They help you design your pages and add functionalities using shortcodes.
The most used page builders include :
1. Elementor
2. Beaver Builder
3. Divi Builder
4. Thrive Architect
5. SiteOrigin Page Builder
6. WPBakery
#Googledigitalskills @eMobilis

When you done with page building you will certainly need to optimize your website, for discoverability. And the best plugin for this job is YOAST. It shows you on how to increase your rank on search engines that is :technical, onpage & offpage SEO. #Googledigitalskills @eMobilis

Before you are done you have to increase your Optimization score in terms of performance, accessibility, best practices, SEO and PWAs. You can test this using Google Chrome's Lighthouse. #Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

Don't worry, there is a plugin just for that, which will enable lazy loading of images, HTML, JS minification and also help you eliminate render-blocking resources on WP. You can use autoptimize or W3 cache. #Googledigitalskills #GrowWithGoogle @eMobilis

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