Christine Wolff-Eisenberg Profile picture
Director of Development at @AchieveTheDream, championing community college success, innovation, collaboration | Previously @hope4college @IthakaSR @RutgersU

Apr 2, 2020, 12 tweets

Excited to share our findings with the @cni_org #cni20s community in just a few minutes! Will tweet out key slides + findings over the next hour here. @JenKFrederick ⬇️

In fall 2019, we heard from 662 library directors at US four-year colleges and universities on many long-standing + new topics related to leadership and strategy. #cni20s

While much has changed since we fielded the survey in late 2019, our analysis can provide a snapshot of the strategies pursued immediately before the pandemic. #cni20s

Key finding: Library directors continue to perceive the value of their roles—and the roles of their libraries—as declining in the eyes of their supervisors and other higher education leaders. #cni20s

Student success remains a top objective for library directors and they see the contributions of their library toward this success most strongly in relation to increasing student learning and enhancing student well-being. #cni20s

Relatively few library directors agree that their library, as well as their broader institution, have well-developed strategies related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. #cni20s

Directors anticipate increased expenditures for services and staffing related to teaching and research support. Decreases in collections expenditures are expected over the next five years. #cni20s

At the time of the survey (fall 2019), directors were less interested (compared to 2016 + 2013) in increasing financial support for technology, systems, and infrastructure, with the biggest decreases coming from doctoral universities. #cni20s

Spending on electronic books now roughly equals that for print books. #cni20s

Half of library directors are likely to cancel a major journal package in the next five years, while relatively few are interested in pursuing transformative agreements by bundling together publishing and subscription costs. #cni20s

Roughly half of library directors are interested in contributing to institutional learning analytics tools AND about half are concerned about third-party vendors having access to individual-level data. #cni20s

Thanks to everyone for joining us today! Wish we were all together in San Diego this week but glad to be able to share virtually. #cni20s

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