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Journalist & press freedom advocate. Dissenter Newsletter at Author of “Guilty of Journalism: The Political Case Against Julian Assange.”

Apr 2, 2020, 7 tweets

While Judge William Conley declined to postpone the #WisconsinPrimary, he certainly did not suggest that Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Republican-controlled legislature, and Wisconsin Elections Commission are making right decision to push onward with election. #COVID19Pandemic

Conley ordered modest relief for voters, & wrote, "Contrary to the view of at least dozen other states, as well as consensus of medical experts across the country as to gathering of large groups of people, [Wisconsin] appears determined to proceed with in-person election..."

Staff working for Wisconsin Elections Commission face "increasing COVID-19 risks, loss of poll workers due to age, fears, or sickness, resulting consolidation of polling locations, and inadequate resources." #COVID19Pandemic

Conley: "There is no doubt that the rapidly approaching election date in the midst of the #COVID19Pandemic means that citizens will face serious, and arguably unprecedented, burdens in exercising their right to vote in person."

"Voters who did not or could not vote absentee will be forced on election day to choose between exercising their franchise and venturing into public space, contrary to public message to 'stay home' delivered by countless public officials during the course of this pandemic."

Conley points out Governor Evers, Republican legislators, and state's election commission are putting poll workers "most at risk." They could be exposed to large numbers of voters throughout the April 7 primary. Many of them may fall within 60+ age range.

Judge Conley clearly believes Evers, GOP, and WEC could and probably should not hold election during #COVID19Pandemic

He says he would prefer it if legislature and governor put "public health ahead of political considerations," but that "does not appear in the cards."

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