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Indian National Congress | Committed to Empowering the People | Ex @INCGujarat, @IYC & @NSUI | #Politics #Communications #Democracy | Views are personal.🇮🇳✋🏽

Apr 5, 2020, 8 tweets

Compiling the thread of Damage caused due to PM Modi' & his Bhakts stupidity.

1) A building caught fire in Delhi due to mindless firecracker bursting my bhakts. Luckily, no one was hurt. #9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

2) These people decide to take out their 'Diya March' and completely ignore the Social Distancing. Wah Modiji wah, You rock! #9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

Massive fire at Solapur Airport due to fireworks by over enthusiastic Bhakts.

Video via @sagarsurawase

#9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

4) Massive at Ramakrisnanagar in Patna, Bihar.

Overworked firemen who go around and sanitize roads for us in the morning will now have to put their lives at risk and deal with this.

All for one man's megalomania. #9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

5) "Go back, Go Back, Chinese Virus go back!"

BJP MLA and his supporters take out candle march against #COVID2019.

Social distancing, anyone? #9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

6) Appartment caught on fire at Oshiwara, Mumbai.

@narendramodi Ji, is this what you wanted ?

#9बजे9मिनट #9baje9mintues #अंधेर_नगरी_चौपट_राजा

Video via -

7) Ye kya hai bhai ? Corona ki Baarat ? 🤔

Video from Azamgarh, UP via @AshishXL

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