Carol Rosenberg Profile picture
Covers Guantánamo Bay, the base, policy, prison, people and war court for The New York Times.

Apr 6, 2020, 6 tweets

New at Guantanamo now: People going into cafeterias, the commissary, mini marts and, yup, dive shop now must "wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain 6 feet of physical distance." Uniformed troops too.
The 6,000-resident Navy base confirmed its first case 13 days ago.

Guidance: "Face covering shall be conservative in appearance, not offensive" and "until official uniform face coverings are produced and implemented" troops can wear medical or construction type masks, bandannas, scarves, etc.
Gitmo offered all residents this illustration and...

... yet another example of #WhyEverybodyNeedsACopyEditor.

From today’s @USNavy update on the virus.

Unsealed at the Gitmo war court. The Army judge in the USS Cole case has given the sides an extra 30 days on their deadlines in consideration of virus related limitations.

The base has also announced a flight off -- to Norfolk -- tomorrow. Open source.

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