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RB Dow Public transport advocate Ex soldier RAAMC PTE CPL SGT SSGT LT CAPT (Ret'd) Retired Medical Scientist FAIMS

Apr 8, 2020, 21 tweets

Traveston railway station is on the Sunshine Coast line, between Cooran and Gympie North. It is the least used station on the Citytrain network. Total passengers was 131 for FY 18/19. In 2011 it was in danger of closing as it had significant termite damage.

On the 25 March 2010 Queensland Rail warned Gympie Regional Council it wouldn't upgrade Traveston train station and was to close it down. A campaign was started to keep Traveston. With local support we were successful in keeping Traveston station in service.

On Tuesday 22nd November 2011 a group of us travelled to Traveston to celebrate the saving of the station. We also did some media there as well.
This is a pictorial history of the day.
We begin at Roma St. ICE 151 for Gympie North (despite the Nambour desto).

We did a ' dance ' at Mooloolah to get around IMU 121 an UP service. Single line, single platform face means that a train often has to reverse to pass. We refer to this as a ' dance '... hey it's Queensland ! 🥴

Traveston. I don't think there has been so many pax detrain at Traveston for many a year .. 👍

Platform at Traveston is one carriage length.

Looking in the Down direction (towards Gympie North).

Restoration works underway. A very nice touch at Traveston are the two go card readers! Redundancy 😉

Termite damage.

Damage was significant and widespread.

Small waiting shed ...

Not the biggest station on the network ...

Northbound Tilt ...

Southbound Tilt.

The Traveston go card readers - never have to queue 😄

Yours truly at Traveston!

Travelled back to Brisbane on the return ICE service.
At Fortitude Valley, detrained there to change to Ipswich service.

So Traveston lives on ..
Gympie Times 24th November 2011 page 5
'Historic station saved'

Traveston was the location of a serious railway accident on the 9th June 1925.
The Rockhampton Mail derailed near Traveston on a high timber trestle bridge

The completed renovated Traveston station

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