Chris In The Morning Profile picture
Originally from Wheeling, WV, I worked my way north to the Alaskan Riviera where I landed a regular gig with the Minnifield Communications Network in Cicely.

Apr 8, 2020, 6 tweets

Hey hey, Cicely

It's a groggy Chris in the Morning coming at you from 57AM K-B-H-R.

I don't know about you, but that ol' moon had my dreams spinning wild last night. (1/n) #northernexposure

Howlin' at the Moon - Hank Williams Sr. via @YouTube

A quick check of my Farmer's Almanac reminded me that last night was a super-moon - and that's not just's a verified scientific phenomenon. Our little pasty planetary kid sister is this closest she'll be to us and last night - she sure put on a show...(2/n)

The full moon of April is also known as the Pink Moon - owing to the little pink wildflowers that are busting out left and right. (3/n)

And this of course reminds me of a special soul that departed this earth way, way too English singer-songwriter named Nick Drake. (4/n)

Drake suffered from depression, in part due to his music not being better received at the time. He died of an overdose in 1974 & never saw how loved his music would become. So I'm spinning this one for you, Nick & all the beautiful souls out there that go underappreciated. (5/n)

Pink Moon via @YouTube

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