Hannah Kennedy Online™ Profile picture
Art Director of PENTIMENT @Obsidian, formerly concept artist on TOW. She/They.

Apr 9, 2020, 22 tweets

I have yet to publish the majority of the art I contributed to @OuterWorlds , so I'll be slowly sharing/discussing some that work here⭐

The Outer Worlds Concept Art Thread:

Medium weight Iconoclast armor was the first character work that I did for the game. There were a lot of variants created, and many informed future designs. The goal was layered armor that looked like it was built from recycled parts, but not totally out of found objects.

You can see this mask featured on the cover of Dissident Hunter magazine, which ended up being a one-off issue prop in the game and a loading screen, I believe. The opportunity to do vintage style poster/cover art was so much fun. @OuterWorlds

The light armor version was next. Referenced vintage baseball uniforms. For the Iconoclast accent color we went with orange to fit with the earth tone color scheme but still pop against the landscape. I dig the way this mask turned out in game. (I always equip to Nyoka)

More Iconoclast headgear designs and the specialist armor set. #TheOuterWorlds

Longline hoods present a unique problem with armor sets where the headset is separately equipped and head jibbing at the neck can happen! It's much simpler to make them two pieces, a scarf and smaller hood, and a solid fabric rather than a patterns one helps mask the seam.

Really love that we were able to include the cape on the Iconoclast heavy armor. This one has a lot going on, and I am really happy with how the helmet turned out here as well. Looks great with a moonman helmet. #TheOuterWorlds

Another poster illustration needed for a prop on the Roseway level, this was also used to help define the Brand identity of Auntie Cleo's early on.

Robot experiments🛠️

Parvati💚I really loved working on companions, and am so pleased the sock wrench was approved. None of their VO had been cast by the time we worked on their concepts, but Parvati's general character themes were all established. (nods to the color scheme of the name tag)

Digging through some logo work this morning and remembering how much signage there was in the Byzantium city area...

Byzantium districts, early explorations: commercial day/night, residential, and executive. #TheOuterWorlds

Lovegroves Beautification and cosmetics.💅 This one was real open-end and I was given the space to sort of invent this character/costume (even though they are never actually in the game). #TheOuterWorlds

Bijous was an early idea for bar/club in Byzantium. The interior area was cut, but the facade is still there and you can find the poster in game.👀 #TheOuterWorlds

Original concepts for the outfits featured in the Bijous poster.💃 #TheOuterWorlds

Another Byzantium bar poster, although Billingsly's you can actually visit in the game. #TheOuterWorlds

Another thing you'll see a lot of around the city (and elsewhere) are robots! The drones were designed to be versatile, to support many potential variants. One of these versions below is very spicy, and the other just wants to sell you drugs, probably. #TheOuterWorlds

spot the difference

The most variants were designed for the bipedal robots. These were a challenge since they needed to function on the same rig as humans, with minimal change to the joint locations & (frame) proportions. I thought they would feel less anthro without a head at all. #TheOuterWorlds

...but we can use Pareidolia to our advantage. Which part of these friends do 𝔂𝓸𝓾 see as the face?


The companion SAM being the most famous example. The main change that was needed was their modded gun arm, though we considered some accent coloring to set them apart from the regular cleaning bots. #TheOuterWorlds

And as long as we're back on companions, the final one that I worked on was Felix 💖
The orange accents on his clothes are small touches he added himself while stuck on the Groundbreaker, being an Iconoclast fanboy and dreaming of 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧


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