Fiona de Londras Profile picture
Barber Professor of Jurisprudence @bhamlaw; Director of Research @artsatbham. She/her. Irish, immigrant, feminist. Latest book:

Apr 9, 2020, 6 tweets

Day 2/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no pictures. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

Day 3/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no people. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

Day 4/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no people. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

Day 5/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no people. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

Day 6/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no people. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

Day 7/7 #mylifeinpictures Rules: no words, no pictures. I was inspired by @QumranRocks. Everyone has enough challenges in life at the moment so I welcome anyone who wants to, to join in.

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