Speaker of the House of Representatives Profile picture
Official account of the Speaker of Nigeria's House of Representatives, Rep. @femigbaja.

Apr 10, 2020, 5 tweets

The leadership of the House of Representatives has expressed displeasure over the inhuman treatment meted out on some Nigerians by the Chinese authorities in Beijing.

The Speaker of the House, Rep. @femigbaja said at a meeting with the Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Zhou Pingjian, that the inhuman treatment on Nigerians in China must be addressed forthwith.

He confronted the Ambassador with the protest video of the incidence where a Nigerian was seen challenging Chinese officials over the maltreatment.

At the meeting, which had in attendance the Minority Leader, Rep. @ndudi04 & Deputy Minority Leader, Rep. Toby Okechukwu,

The Speaker said viral media reports/videos from Beijing showed Nigerians being forced out of their houses and hotels, rounded up & their passports seized by the Chinese police even after their initial 14 days quarantine period.

The Speaker said there should be an official explanation for treating Nigerians in such a manner.

"As a government, we will not allow Chinese or other nationals to be maltreated just as we will not allow Nigerians to be maltreated in other countries.

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