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Executive Vice President, Communications, @chiefs. Ex: @RiotGames @NASCAR @LPGA @ATPtour

Apr 14, 2020, 9 tweets

The @FPX_Esports World Championship Team Skins are NOW on PBE (Public Beta Environment). The players picked their champions to be immortalized on @LeagueOfLegends: Gangplank, Lee Sin, Malphite, Vayne and Thresh. #FPX #FPXLOL
1/ Thread w/previous Worlds Team Skins 👇

We retroactively produced skins for @FNATIC, winners of the first-ever @LeagueOfLegends World Championship in 2011 held in a conference room at Dreamhack Summer in Sweden. The @LEC teamline of skins featured Karthus, Jarvan IV, Gragas, Corki, and Janna

The Taipei Assassins captured the 2012 World Championship, the first held in an arena (Galen Center, Los Angeles), and they dressed up Shen, Dr. Mundo, Orianna, Ezreal, and Nunu for the first-ever Worlds Team Skinline

#LCK’s “future” legendary team @T1 won their first World Championship in 2013 at the @STAPLESCenter and tapped Jax, Lee Sin, Zed, Vayne, and Zyra for Worlds Team Skins

Samsung White delighted the home audience for the 2014 World Championship at the World Cup Stadium in Seoul, earning in-game skins featuring Singed, Rengar, Talon, Twitch, and Thresh

Featured on Summoner’s Rift after the 2015 World Championship held at Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin, the second for @T1, were skins for Renekton, Elise, Ryze, Azir, Kalista, and Alistar

A third World Championship in 2016 for @T1 earned the #LCK superstars a skinline featuring Ekko, Olaf, Zac, Syndra, Jhin, Nami and a kkOma Ward following the event at @STAPLEScenter in Los Angeles

2017 World Champions Samsung Galaxy (SSG) from #LCK with the 3-0 sweep over @T1 in the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing. Champion skins featured here are Gnar, Ezreal, Jarvan IV, Taliyah, Xayah, and Ranan

The 2018 World Champions @invgaming from @lplenglish chose to feature Irelia, Fiora, Camille, LeBlanc, Kai’sa, and Rakan in their Team Skinline

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