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We're here, we're queer, & Cher is a "Huge fan ‼️" 🏳️‍🌈 Watch #WillAndGrace on @NBC and stream on @PeacockTV.

Apr 23, 2020, 5 tweets

Taking a trip down memory lane with some iconic moments from the Fab Four. (THREAD) #WillAndGraceFarewell

Will's the best friend everybody needs. What are your favorite Will Truman moments? #WillAndGraceFarewell

Life wouldn't be as eventful without Grace in it. 😂 What are your favorite Grace Adler moments? #WillAndGraceFarewell

Peter, Paul, and Mary she is FABULOUS! 😘 What are your favorite Karen Walker moments? #WillAndGraceFarewell

Ladies and gentlemen, Jack McFarland. 🙌 What are your favorite moments of his? #WillAndGraceFarewell

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