Dan Kim, new cat dad Profile picture
He/him. Appa. Former infantry person. Current food/wine person. Equality for all, no exceptions. LFC. Oxford comma. 2 spaces. The Confederates were all traitors

Apr 27, 2020, 12 tweets

1. Thread time. A twofer for #CookingForLieutenants, my kids’ favorite accompaniments that aren’t French fries: roasted cauliflower & garlic-herb roasted potatoes. Best part is, the prep is easy & you just stick the trays in the oven together.

2. Standard disclaimer: this is a bare basics cooking thread that started because two 20-something Army lieutenants, self-proclaimed disasters in the kitchen, separately DM’d me on the same day from opposite sides of the country. Want to be Anita Lo? Look elsewhere.

3. Cauliflower is a blank canvas that will absorb whatever flavors you add to it, but first you have to cut it. All you need is a cutting board glued to the counter with a wet paper towel, & a good sharp knife. Easy.

4. I cut the florets to different sizes, depending on my mood. Yes, it is that arbitrary sometimes. Because store bought produce isn’t as fresh as it used to be pre-Covid, don’t freak out if parts of the crown are browning. Just shave that off as you’re cutting.

5. Don’t forget the stem after you’ve cut all the florets off. I usually cut it down to a cylinder, then make “fries” that I throw on the sheet tray with the florets.

6. Drizzle oil - in this case, avocado oil - salt, & pepper. Set aside. Wash your cutting board & some potatoes. I cut mine in half, then dice them.

7. Toss your diced potatoes in a large bowl with oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, & dried Italian herbs. I’m not too proud to use dried herbs, because who has the time to pick & chop fresh thyme & rosemary? Lay the potatoes in one layer on a sheet tray.

8. Place both trays in a 425°F oven for at least 40 minutes. Potatoes are on top in this photo, closest to the flame. Move them around at least 2x during cooking so they don’t stick to the tray.

9. The cauliflower will be done first, you’ll know because the sides resting on the sheet tray are caramelizing. I throw that word around a lot, but it’s a beautiful piece of alchemy where the sugars in food essentially melt & brown. Hence, caramel.

10. The cauliflower looks done, but in the rarest of occurrences, I under-seasoned it before cooking. The potatoes stayed in the oven 10 minutes longer, until the edges began to crisp up.

11. Serving this tonight with brats broiled in the toaster oven. Mind you, I’m cooking for an 11 & an 8 year old on my days off, so this is hardly haute cuisine, but it is tasty. Speaking of the 11 & 8 year old, they approved.

12. Reward yourself with an adult beverage. Here endeth the lesson.

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