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Swayamsewak. Bhojpuri. Purabiya. Views personal RT ≠ Endorsement 🚩

Apr 28, 2020, 5 tweets

Dear Hindus, today we are observing
#SatvikProtest against brutal lynching of #HinduSadhus. Let's fast, light a Diya, do Prarthna- we owe this to our DharmYoddhas who attained veergati.

We must unite for our Sadhus Sanyasis. #JusticeForHinduSadhus

In yet another case of mob lynching Faizul, Lajil and their friends together beaten and brutally killed vegetable vendor Sanatan Deka in Hajo, Assam. #Justice4SanatanDeka

Sanatan Deka of the village worked as a laborer in a factory, but the factory was closed due to lockdown, so he started selling vegetables on his bicycle to deal with the financial difficulties. #Justice4SanatanDeka

Sanatan's bicycle accidentally crashed into a scooty while selling vegetables. Faizul Ali and Lajil Ali were riding on that scooty. Faizul and Lajil got angry after hitting the bicycle in Scooty and both of them got angry and started beating Sanatan Deka. #Justice4SanatanDeka

In the Sanatan Deka case till now, left-wing section of human rights has remained completely silent and quietly followed the rules of alleged secularism created by themselves. #Justice4SanatanDeka

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