Slack for SaaS marketing
1. Join Slack communities where your potential customers hang out
2. Change display name to "Your Name (Your Company)"
3. Set up keyword notifications to jump into conversations where you can provide value
Twitter for SaaS marketing
1. Open
2. Track relevant keywords, hashtags, and users in your space
3. Join in on discussions where you can add value
Reddit for SaaS marketing
1. Sign up for
2. Track relevant keywords or phrases in your space
3. Join in on discussions where you can add value
Upwork for SaaS marketing
1. Sign up for
2. Track job descriptions with relevant keywords or phrases in your space
3. Apply, pitch your SaaS when it can add value
Affiliates for SaaS marketing
1. Sign up for @getRewardful
2. Create a 30%+ commission program
3. Recruit social media influencers, bloggers, and distributors in your space to endorse your product
Facebook Groups for SaaS marketing
1. Find Facebook Groups where your customers hang out
2. Become a sponsor if possible
3. Join in on discussions where you can add value, provide free workshops and webinars to educate about your space
LinkedIn for SaaS marketing
1. Go to My Network > Contacts > Add more Contacts
2. Upload your existing customer and email subscriber lists
3. Engage with your customers' posts by commenting when you have something valuable to add to the conversation
Twitter for SaaS marketing Part 2
1. Identify influencers in your space
2. Follow and check the bell icon for notifications
3. Participate in discussions when you have something valuable to add
LinkedIn for SaaS marketing Part 2
1. Join relevant groups
2. Participate in or start discussions if possible, although most LinkedIn Groups are ghost towns
3. You can use mutual groups as a way to send connect requests to people you have no mutual connections with
SEO for SaaS marketing
1. Search for relevant domains in your niche with backlinks and authority
2. Dig further into those backlinks with @ahrefs, make sure they're not spam
3. Acquire the domain, redirect it to yours or rebuild it and advertise from it
Calendly for SaaS marketing
1. Add a "Schedule a demo" button to your site with a link to your @Calendly
2. Export email addresses of attendees
3. Import to LinkedIn to add them as connections
Intercom for SaaS marketing
1. Go to Platform > All leads > More > Export leads
2. Import the exported email addresses into @Mailchimp and @LinkedIn connections
Discourse for SaaS marketing
When doing market research for new product ideas, seeing the activity on a related forum in terms of number of users and posts can be helpful. Discourse forums have this information available at /about.
Twitter for SaaS marketing Part 3
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