Ava DuVernay Profile picture

Apr 30, 2020, 5 tweets

Today is the day! Welcome to @ARRAYNow’s Film Fellowship.

60+ film directors tweet directly with filmlovers all day!

All your q’s about movies. Answered by the folks who make them. Use hashtag #ARRAYNow.

And thanks to our pals at @Twitter for the custom emoji + all the love!

17 team members at @ARRAYNow have worked tirelessly to put this virtual event together. I thank the good folks of ARRAY in programming, marketing, production, post, publicity, social media, philanthropy, operations for embracing this idea with such enthusiasm. You are stellar. xo

And thanks to our pals at @Twitter who stepped up in a major way with support and elbow grease and ideas and friendship. We appreciate you all. Thank you for being such a good partner to use on this idea! #ARRAYNow

To get started, I present you with the dedicated hashtag #ARRAYNow

This is your key to the conversation. Use the hashtag after your question so the director can see you. Just tag them by their handle. Then add the hashtag.

They will try to answer as many as possible!

The team at @ARRAYNow created our invite list to feature women directors + directors of color. Some famous ones are joining us. Some emerging voices will join. All have made films that represent the whole wide world. All of us deserve to see ourselves fully on film. #ARRAYNow

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