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Capitol Hill. The White House. National Politics. Powered by Cable.

May 1, 2020, 7 tweets

Updated INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings c-span.org/coronavirus/

Updated INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Speaking Appearances from the White House & Key Healthcare Officials c-span.org/coronavirus/

Updated INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Speaking Appearances from Task Force Members c-span.org/coronavirus/

Updated INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Speaking Appearances from Non-Task Force Members c-span.org/coronavirus/

Updated INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Length of Briefings (in minutes) c-span.org/coronavirus/

INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Number of Briefings, Average Length and Total Running Time c-span.org/coronavirus/

INFOGRAPHIC: White House Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefings - Length of Briefings, Weekday v. Weekend c-span.org/coronavirus/

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