Kevin Brennan MP Profile picture
@WelshLabour MP for Cardiff West & @CommonsDCMS Select Committee Member. Constituency casework can't be dealt with here please email

May 5, 2020, 8 tweets

In Today’s @CommonsDCMS Committee, I questioned the Chairman of the @EFL, Rick Parry, on the impact of Covid-19 on football and what the future holds for clubs like my team @CardiffCityFC. Here is a short thread on some of the important things we discussed. #Bluebirds

I asked Mr Parry if he has held discussions with the @premierleague regarding promotion and relegation and if he expects it to go ahead.

I asked him what would happen if the @premierleague changed their minds about promotion and relegation.

I asked him if he thought the Football League should finish one season before starting another.

I asked, if games went ahead behind closed doors, if this would happen on neutral grounds.

With the PFA Chief Gordon Taylor considering the possibility of shorter halves of football, I asked if that's something which the Football League would consider.

I asked him if he thought the economic challenges faced by clubs in recent seasons is partly down to players being paid too much.

Finally, I asked if he thought not enough money was being trickled down from the @premierleague to the Football League and if salary caps should be introduced.

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