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The #StopTheMoneyPipeline coalition is 200+ organizations strong. Together we are holding the financial backers of climate chaos accountable.

May 7, 2020, 10 tweets

🧵KUDOS to @RepBarragan @SenJeffMerkley @IlhanMN @BernieSanders @RepHuffman @RepJayapal @EdMarkey @RepAOC for introducing the #ReWINDAct which would stop Trump & Wall Street from bailing out fossil fuels companies!…

The bill would:

1) 🛑the fossil fuel industry from receiving stimulus money through the Fed or Treasury

2)🛑 the expansion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve

3) 🛑the Trump Administration from lowering royalty rates for fossil fuel extraction

4)🛑 Wall Street banks from bailing out distressed oil and gas companies

5) 🛑 fossil fuel leasing, new comment periods & deregulation during the pandemic

6) 🛑 fossil fuel bailouts under the Defense Production Act

7) Extend all comment periods during the pandemic to ensure the public has a say

Contact your congressional representatives. Ask they co-sponsor this important act & demand it be included in the next stimulus package!

Our friends over at the @SierraClub & @PriceofOil have made it easy to do that. See:…

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