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May 9, 2020, 25 tweets


campus crush choi yeonjun threw a party on the last day of examinations and dance major choi beomgyu showed up in his pajamas to piss him off

— hi! quote rt, don't reply
— profiles
#beomjunau #beomjun

— profiles
#beomjunau #beomjun

1. the party
#beomjunau #beomjun

2. gyu's priv
#beomjunau #beomjun


5. gyu's priv

6. the pizza effect
#beomjunau #beomjun

7. someone's pissed
#beomjunau #beomjun

8. aha ahahaha
#beomjunau #beomjun

9. feelings feelings
#beomjunau #beomjun

10. what
#beomjunau #beomjun

11. a survey by taehyun 101
#beomjunau #beomjun

12. kang taehyun u nice, keep going
#beomjunau #beomjun

13. we move in silence
#beomjunau #beomjun

14. huening
#beomjunau #beomjun

15. no words no words
#beomjunau #beomjun

16. 🤭
#beomjunau #beomjun

18. taehyun taehyun carry on
#beomjunau #beomjun

#beomjunau #beomjun


21. the first meeting


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