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May 11, 2020, 11 tweets

#RightsNow is about making sure the response and recovery to COVID-19 is focused on human rights. What does that look like? 🧵A thread…

We have to address the racism and inequality made worse by COVID-19.

This pandemic affects us all, but some more than others. #RightsNow

We have to ensure health care for all.

We must seize this moment to ensure universal health care. #RightsNow

We have to protect workers’ rights.

It is our responsibility to look after the people looking after us. #RightsNow

We have to provide a safety net.

No one should be left behind. #RightsNow

We have to ensure climate justice.

The climate crisis hasn’t stopped and will get worse without action. #RightsNow

We have to release people in immigration detention.

No one should be locked up for seeking safety in the US, let alone during a global pandemic. #RightsNow

We have to free more people.

We must radically reduce the number of people locked up and protect those who are locked up from COVID-19. #RightsNow

We have to stop the gun violence pandemic.

Gun violence is a public health crisis made worse by the flood of gun sales due to COVID-19. #RightsNow

We must respect privacy.

Our privacy remains as important during times of crises as it does during times of normalcy. #RightsNow

We must respect civil and political rights at home and abroad.

A crisis is no excuse for a crack-down. #RightsNow

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