Christopher Anzalone Profile picture
Ph.D.; Assistant Professor @MiddleEastMCU & @TheKrulakCenter; Adjunct Prof. @GeorgeMasonU; Formerly @BelferCenter Tweets/RTs ≠ endorsement (Personal Account)

May 11, 2020, 23 tweets

Today's "Ramadan Cooking with IS-East Asia" in the Philippines:


Ramadan food with IS-Sinai:


Ramadan food with IS-Sinai:


Bread, potatoes, pasta, kababs, and other foods prepared for Ramadan meals by IS militants in Homs, Syria:


Bread, potatoes, pasta, kababs, and other foods prepared for Ramadan meals by IS militants in Homs, Syria:


IS-Somalia, Ramadan 1441:


IS-Somalia, Ramadan 1441:


IS-West Africa, Ramadan 1441:

IS-Pakistan, Ramadan 1441:


Fanta time with IS-Yemen:


IS-Sinai 'Eid al-Fitr 1441 meal featuring soda & sweets:


'Eid al-Fitr with IS-West Africa:


Celebration meal at an Al-Shabab event marking the inauguration of a new Luway/Rahanweyn clan chief complete with the bananas:


Food & candy at graduation of students completing Qur'anic studies at an Al-Shabab institute in Lower Shabelle:


'Eid al-Adha 1441, IS-Somalia:


'Eid al-Adha 1441 grub, IS-Sinai:


'Eid al-Adha 1441 food & drink, IS-Yemen:


'Eid al-Adha 1441 food, IS-Central Africa:


Food & Fanta on 'Eid al-Adha 1441 food, IS-Iraq (Anbar):


IS BBQ, Anbar governorate, Iraq:


Don't forget the gravy:


Melons in the Akhtar Khan Bazaar in Faryab, Afghanistan:


Food, including rations (one meal with pork) and snack/junk foods and bottled water, captured by Al-Shabab from a base abandoned by U.S. and Somali government forces in Janay Abdallah outside Kismaayo in the Lower Juba region:


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