Graham Richardson Profile picture
Chief News Anchor CTV Ottawa.

May 12, 2020, 10 tweets

Thanks for the challenge @tobi_nussbaum here’s my #MoveWithUsChallenge a beautiful 50km loop in support of @bgcottawa

Having been challenged to show some moves here’s the approach to Blair Hill. a bit of a killer ! #MoveWithUsChallenge

After Blair hill trying to smile. (riding by myself and keeping physical distance at all times btw) #MoveWithUsChallenge

Now down Blair to Innes to Anderson and my favourite part of the ride...the Prescott Russell recreational trail #MoveWithUsChallenge

Great views out here!

Left on Trim all the way down to Petrie Island. Fabulous paved and safe route with lights flashing. Road crews @ottawacity always on their game thanks! #MoveWithUsChallenge @bgcottawa

@NCC_CCN path back for Aviation and then a dip down to the river path. Too cold for a dip in the actual river for now! #MoveWithUsChallenge @bgcottawa

And then up from the river path and home. A long ride but always a great way to start the day! #MoveWithUsChallenge

So now I challenge @PatriciaBoalCTV @mattskubeCTV and @MrLeslieRoberts to support @bgcottawa and show us your moves for #MoveWithUsChallenge

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