Dr Sophie Hay Profile picture
Just an archaeologist who works at the Archaeological Park of Pompeii ~ https://t.co/FZNJ35FWZW

May 15, 2020, 12 tweets

This fabulous documentary explores the recent excavations in Region V in #Pompeii. It really brings together our understanding of the individual finds but also of the neighbourhood. Brilliant and compelling viewing. @pompeii_sites @MassimoOsanna

Didn’t think I’d be adding to this thread for a while but thanks to @MassimoOsanna a fabulous and previously unseen fresco from Region V excavations in #Pompeii has been revealed: Ariadne being abandoned by Theseus on the shores of Naxos. Wow.
Images: instagram.com/p/CHvqzLopq3W/…

A close-up of that extraordinary decorative design...

A fuller picture of the Ariadne and Theseus fresco that was found in 2018 but only revealed yesterday by @MassimoOsanna. Those decorative vertical motifs are even more exquisite in full.
And for further details on this read @tomkington’s article (behind a paywall) below.

Extraordinary frescoes of animals revealed on the side of the bar counter in #Pompeii Region V that was partially excavated in 2019. The dog straining at the leash is incredible as the detail of the hen’s plumage. Two ducks await to be cooked.
Photos: Luigi Spina | @pompeii_sites

In true Pompeian style there’s a crude graffito scratched in the plaster possibly referring to the owner of the bar, a Greek called Nicia. It reads “Nicia cineade cavatore” that translates as “Nicia shameless shitter”. Got to love bar banter.
Photo: Luigi Spina | @pompeii_sites

For more detailed information about this latest and astonishing discovery read here: pompeiisites.org/en/comunicati/…

A lovely detail of the two ducks draped over a cloth. Their little webbed feet sticking up are a delight.
Photo Luigi Spina | @pompeii_sites

The Pompeians were not shy of their love of a fresco of dead birds awaiting to be cooked...

Fascinating discoveries being made with regards the remains of food found in the sunken containers within the bar. Evidence of a duck bone, swine, goat, fish and land snails have so far been identified.
An amazingly diverse menu.
Info courtesy of @MassimoOsanna on Instagram

I also love that the reddish leather collar in #Pompeii seems to be standard canine attire. Studs (?) an optional extra.

Image 4: Luigi Spina

Genuinely thrilled to know when I visited Region V excavations in #Pompeii back in 2018 and was delighting at seeing the phallic sign, that I was standing on the volcanic debris just metres above the incredible frescoed bar which had yet to be uncovered.
Image 2: @pompeii_sites

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