Adhiambo Oloo Profile picture

May 17, 2020, 7 tweets

A list of Africa authored queer books I would highly recommend. Happy reading 🎊🏳️‍🌈
To more holiday celebrations with books.💃🥂
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence #rainbowreads #africanlitterature #africanreads
1. The Hairdresser of Harare by Tendai Huchu

2. Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi
I once read a review of this book that said, once you read it, it will linger and you will think about it time and time again. How right it was. 💃💃
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence

3. Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta
We live to fight another day.

4. Speak No Evil by Uzodinma Iweala
If irony was a book, this would be it.
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence

5. Pet by Akwaeke Emezi
Of Utopias, adopt me.
#IDAHOBIT2020 #BreakingTheSilence

6. The Shivering by Chimamanda Ngozi

7. When We Speak of Nothing by Oluminde Popoola.

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