Priyanka Deo Profile picture
Host of 'The Indian Abroad' @ndtv @NDTVWORLD Director & Professor. All posts are my personal views

May 17, 2020, 9 tweets

Waiting for MHA revised guidelines carries the same anticipation as to how many runs Bhuvan will score. #LockdownExtended 🏏

MHA Revised Guidelines?
Will Rani and SRK really cheat in KANK?

Anticipation level= Same.

MHA Revised Guidelines?
Can India win the World Cup?

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#LockdownExtended 🏑

MHA Revised Guidelines?
Will Veer and Zaara ever reunite?

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MHA revised guidelines?
Will he ever get a girlfriend?

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MHA revised guidelines?
Will she make the train?

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-Waiting for MHA revised guidelines.
-Will she ever take him out of the friendzone?

Anticipation level = SAME.

MHA revised guidelines?
Will their mothers ever REALLY get along?

Anticipation level= SAME.

-Waiting for MHA revised guidelines.
-Will she actually let go?!

Anticipation level= SAME.

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