Larry the Cat Profile picture
Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office. 16 year old tabby. Living with my fifth Prime Minister. Unofficial.

May 17, 2020, 9 tweets

If I ever need a campaign poster I’ll be using this from @LouiseBruun118 #FelineFineArt

Something otherworldly about this bold effort from @sumsum5000 #FelineFineArt

Red, white and phew from @rachaeliza #FelineFineArt

Bow tie reimagined by @eildh #FelineFineArt

Perfection in pencil @chapp_

I rock thanks to @KatrinaPhillim1 #FelineFineArt

If I were in Animal Crossing by @fictionchris #FelineFineArt

Last but not least we have this from @GilOriol - who made me smile (though not in the picture) #FelineFineArt

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