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May 18, 2020, 20 tweets

Surrounded by security personnel, pro-Beijing lawmaker Chan Kin-por has taken the seat of the presiding member at a House Committee meeting 45 minutes before its start time. The last committee meeting on May 8 descended into chaos as democrats fought for control of the floor.

Chan is joined by 11 more security guards half an hour before the meeting's scheduled start time.

As the doors of the committee room open at 10:30am, democrats confront Chan urging him to leave as the "wrongful" head of the meeting, which is tasked with electing a chair.

Democrat Claudia Mo holds up a sign reading "[The Chinese Communist Party] tramples on [Hong Kong's] legislature" in front of Chan.

Democrats set up a cordon using black cloth and attempt to infiltrate the line of security guards.

Holden Chow from the pro-Beijing DAB party and Lam Cheuk-ting from the Democratic Party square off as opposing lawmakers and security guards tussle for control of the floor.

Pro-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui appears injured as Shiu Ka-chun urges security to make room, saying Hui "cannot breathe."

Pro-democracy lawmaker Eddie Chiu is taken out of the meeting room by security.

Hui attempts to bypass security and is taken away.

Democrats chant "Chan Kin-por is cheating" as Lam Cheuk-ting scatters pages from LegCo's Rules of Procedure onto the meeting room floor.

Democrat Claudia Mo temporarily bypasses the line of security guards to speak to Chan Kin-por, as Andrew Wan from the Democratic Party sits on the floor refusing to leave.

Pro-Beijing lawmakers have started a rival chant: "Chan Kin-por, good job."

Civic Party's Alvin Yeung is taken out of the meeting room by security.

Wu Chi-wai from the Democratic Party is taken out of the meeting room by security.

IT sector lawmaker Charles Mok is also taken out of the meeting room by security.

Ray Chan of People Power is taken out of the meeting room by security.

Pro-democracy lawmaker Helena Wong struggles as she is ejected from the meeting room.

With only a handful of democrats left in the meeting room, the House Committee moves ahead with the election of its chair, as LegCo staff hand out ballot papers.

The remaining lawmakers - largely from the pro-Beijing camp - cast their votes in the election of the House Committee chair, as Labour Party lawmaker Fernando Cheung continues to chant "Chan Kin-por is cheating."

DAB favourite Starry Lee has been elected House Committee chair, winning an overwhelming majority of the votes, as democrat Claudia Mo continues to shout "trash." Rival pro-Beijing lawmakers complete her sentence by chanting: "Claudia Mo."

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